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 demo kicked from ambrosius  27th of sept
 Demo has been kicked from ambrosius
 for using OpenGL Hack.
 ambrosius will not tolerate cheaters,
 and any members that are found
 cheating will be kicked from the clan
 immediately and banned from all
 servers that ambrosius have influence

 ausgamers hosting  26th of sept
 I have just applied to be hosted by    ausgamers, (which is why I've put  ausgamers buttons up on every page).
 So hopefully they'll accept our request.
 And, if you are the person from  ausgamers, if we are not accepted,  cuz I please get an e-mail saying why  we were not accepted, so I can fix the  problem :) 

 ambrosius online has arrived  24th of sept
 Canberra lan team ambrosius, have
 arrived on the online scene, and a
 ready to make some waves... tho the
 waves will only be about 2mm high.
 With our full lan line up, plus 2 new
 members we will *hopefully* become
 a force to be reckoned with. 

                    war us
                    irc chan

                    Versus: cr  : -
                    Date: Sat 27th sept
                    Time: ?pm
                    Line up: click here
                    HLTV: none

                    Versus: none
                    Date: none
                    Time: none
                    Score: none
                    Win/Loss: none
                    Demos: none